with Stephanie Needham

Part 1: Sunday April 17th, 2016
Part 2: Sunday May 15th, 2016
Part 3: Sunday June 12th, 2016

May and June events have been cancelled.


Stephanie NeedhamYin Yoga is an East meets West modern incarnation of informative in-body experience regarding deep fascial chains (connective tissue), infused with teachings from Chinese Traditional Medicine, Daoist principles, and Chakra theory, blended together with the simplistic peace of mindfulness meditation.

This 90 minute yin yoga practice will focus on balancing the mind-body for the Spring season. The physical postures, through their targeted channels will guide us into a deeper inquiry towards self realization according to our own personal rhythms. Yin yoga, a type of modern incarnation within classical Hatha practice, is slow and low to the ground. We linger in postures 3-5 minutes, committing to stillness and sensing the more elusive tissues of connectedness including fascia. We will explore the relevant meridian theory according to Traditional Chinese Medicine as it naturally encompasses the Liver/Gallbladder pair and Wood element relevant in Springtime.

Stephanie Needham is a Certified Classical Hatha and Yin Yoga instructor, Certified Structural Integration Practitioner (Kinesis Myofascial Integration) and holds a diploma in massage therapy. With a degree in adult education, Stephanie has a dynamic approach engaging with learners and providing a supportive open space for imagination and personal development. A published writer for the community of Structural Integrators and a poet at heart, Stephanie has a passion for soulful expressive living with a strong background in anatomy, movement and education. Stephanie is a passionate educator and facilitator in health care living and being.

Come wearing comfortable, layered clothing.

$20.00 + hst
$60.00 + hst for all 3

Yin Yoga for Spring

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