with Shannon Crow, E-RYT 500, RPYT, CTYMP

Module 7 – Art of Assists for Yoga Teachers


Art of Assists with Shannon Crow is a course devoted to helping yoga teachers to assist their students – through hands-on assists, verbal cues, pose awareness, with props and with an awareness of the yoga space and the feedback from students.

[photo by Dianne Brandon Photography]

photo by Dianne Brandon Photography

Each module is unique and can be taken on it’s own. We will explore the philosophy of assisting as we go and look at what the intention and alignment is within each asana so that we can assist with confidence and ease.

We will also learn a technique called “pose awareness” – where we define what muscles are activated, stretched and used within a posture and how we can use these to support our learning and our teaching skills. This is also an excellent tool when modifying poses for specific body types.

Each module is 5 hours in length. This will give plenty of learning and practice time and allows teachers toArt of Assists for yoga teachers with Shannon Crow return to their classes, use the assists and come back with questions and time for more learning the next month. Modules do not have to be taken in order. There are 10 total and each one has a 5-hour certificate for continuing education hours.

Assisting is an art that will help you to nurture your students. We will also learn how to care for ourselves as teachers through meditation, pranayama and yoga and with the fundamental stances that keep our body in alignment as we assist.

These modules are designed for yoga teachers. Please make sure to register ahead of time as space is limited to 12 teachers.

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Investment per module: $85



About Shannon:

Shannon Assisting a Yoga Pose, Tone Studio, Owen SoundShannon has been a yoga teacher for over ten years. Since 2011 she has been assisting and directing yoga teacher trainings. Shannon completed 6 levels of Thai Yoga Massage in 2008 and it was then that she began to feel comfortable with hands-on assists and moving around a yoga class more than sitting on her mat at the front.

Shannon is passionate about taking the many forms of cues from students to customize a class to suit them in the moment. Along the way she has learned some tools and in this course is happy to share them so that teachers can feel more comfortable and students can feel that they are being assisted to the fullest.

Visit Shannon’s website.