by Shannon Crow, E-RYT500

If I had to pick a favourite breath practice it would be Sitali & Sitkari pranayama. I like to teach it in adult and children’s classes as it helps to bring calm and relaxation and is easy to do.


Curling your tongue is a genetic trait. If you can curl your tongue then you can do sitali pranayma, but if not then use sitkari pranayama. The benefits are the same.

Benefit of Sitali/Sitkari pranayama:

  • Cooling breath
  • Decreases anxiety and agitation
  • Increases calm and focus
  • Aids in digestion
  • Lowers body temperature

Sitali Pranayama

  1. Sit in a comfortable position
  2. Curl side of the tongue in (if you cannot curl your tongue, then try Sitkari Pranayama below)
  3. Let your curled tongue be out past the lips
  4. Inhale through the curled tongue
  5. At the end of the inhale move the tongue to neutral and close mouth
  6. Exhale through the nose

Sitkari Pranayama

  1. Sit in a comfortable position
  2. Open mouth slightly and have tongue just behind the teeth
  3. Inhale letting air travel over the tongue
  4. At the end of the inhale move the tongue back into closed mouth
  5. Exhale through the nose

Variations on Sitali/Sitkari Pranayama

a) Chin movement variation: As you inhale, lift the chin and as you exhale, lower the chin to neutral.

b) Inhale and Exhale over tongue: Bring the inhale and the exhale both over the tongue for the entire breath