MamaNurture Prenatal Yoga Teacher Certification (RPYT)
Directed by Shannon Crow, E-RYT500, RPYT and Kim MacDonald-Heilandt, E-RYT200, RPYT
Modules 1-6
MamaNurture Module 1 – Prenatal Yoga Introduction
- Safely teach your pregnant students
- Asanas: alignment and modifications for pregnancy
- Cautioned and contraindicated poses and breath practices
- Common ailments of pregnancy and how to use yoga to relieve them
- Physiology & anatomy of each trimester
- Create a prenatal yoga class or private session
- Accommodate a pregnant student in your regular class
- Creating a restorative prenatal yoga class
MamaNurture Module 2 – Prenatal Yoga & the Subtle Body
- Benefits of meditation, visualization and mantra in prenatal yoga
- Chakras of the pregnant body and infant
- Anatomy of the pelvis
- Core health during and after pregnancy
- The psoas muscles in pregnancy and birth
- 8 limbs of yoga in relation to pregnancy, birth and parenthood
- Subtle body: prana, koshas, nadis, vyus, yin and yang
- Modifying the sun salutation for pregnancy
MamaNurture Module 3 – Prenatal Yoga & Preparing for Birth
- Anatomy & physiology of third trimester and birth
- Birth positions & techniques for delivery
- Creating a birth partner workshop or class
- History and perceptions of birth in prenatal yoga classes
- Teaching an entire prenatal yoga class on the birthing ball
- Fetal positioning in third trimester and birth
- Childbirth education and options
- Vocal toning and affirmations
MamaNurture Module 4 – Business Practices
- Sequencing and themes in yoga classes
- Class atmosphere: cues, language, tone, music
- Hands-on assists for the prenatal & postnatal students
- Marketing your yoga
- Planning yoga classes, sessions and events
- Attract and retain your students
MamaNurture Module 5 – Fertility Yoga, Blessingways & Birth Art
- Yoga for fertility and early pregnancy
- Infant loss and grief
- High risk pregnancy
- Fertility & prenatal yin yoga
- Guiding blessingways in class or as events
- Partner yoga
- Using birth art in prenatal, fertility and postnatal yoga classes
MamaNurture Module 6 – Baby & Me and Postnatal Yoga
- Common ailments in third trimester and postpartum period
- Anatomy & physiology of postpartum yoga student
- Connecting to baby in pregnancy and parenthood
- Nurturing mindfulness and emotional health after birth
- Asana modifications and contraindications for postnatal yoga
- Elements and teaching baby & me yoga classes
- Nurturing the postnatal yoga student