A Back Care Workshop for Yoga Teachers


Saturday March 23, 2013


Cost: $35 

Gain an experiential understanding of how to teach the most common asanas safely without compromising and straining the back. This will include:

Standing forward bends (Uttanasana)
Down dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Bridge (setu bandasana) and
Sitting Twists

This workshop will include an overview of the supporting structures of the spine including the legs, pelvis and psoas and what you can do for students with sciatica and low back pain.
Practice core engagement and breath development.

Schedule online now

Comments from Yoga Teachers:

“As a student of Joanne’s, I have found her to be a compassionate and patient teacher. Her many years of experience and exploration have made her an excellent instructor able to adjust to the needs of her students and their abilities or limitations.” – Ann Jackson, RMT, CYT
This workshop is a culmination of many years of study, training, experience and personal exploration in using yoga to heal the back.

Joanne Pineau is an experienced and gifted teacher.  Since 1998 she has used yoga to help herself and others like her to improve or recover their health. Many have commented that as a highly skilled instructor, her patience and her approach is unique.
Recognized by The Canadian Yoga Alliance at the 500 hour level Joanne also trained with Robin Rothenberg to teach  The Essential Low Back Program, a specific protocol proven safe and effective to relieve back pain and restore health.
Joanne has yoga therapy training in structural alignment, anatomy and pathophysiology of chronic pain, yoga for cardiac, cancer and life threatening diseases, and stress.
In the last 15 years her own practice and teachings have been heavily influenced by Iyengar Yoga as well as Sivananda, Anusara and Viniyoga.