I remember when I was first learning how to meditate. My mind would chase every thought upon entry and it was exhausting to think of everything at once, like a giant to-do list had dropped into my lap.

With time, patience and practice I slowly learned what my teachers were telling me. It started to make sense, my breath slowed down, I felt calm and at ease. The thoughts were still coming in, but not as rapidly and I didn’t feel like I needed to dwell on them. I learned to notice, smile and let go.

In the winter I always feel this need for more meditation. It is a quieter time with shorter days, and in our area we have some occasional hefty snow storms and cancellations. I also notice that a lot tends to come up emotionally and I think it is because there is more time for inner reflection.

There are so many benefits to meditation – the studies, articles and lists are endless. For me, though, I know experience has been my best teacher. I feel better when I meditate, and I think people notice this change in me.

When I meet other people who are very deeply rooted in their meditation, I can sense the peace and calm that they carry inside. This motivates me to continue with my own practice, even on the days when I think I don’t have enough time to sit still.

Frances Brown is one of those people. I encourage you to try a workshop with her at our studio and see for yourself how meditation can help in your own life.

Shannon Crow, studio manager

Image of meditation courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net